Emily Boge, CDA, RDH, MPA
Today's RDH Advisory Board Member
Dr. Emily Boge, EdD, RDH, CDA, is the Dental Administrative Chair at Hawkeye Community College in Waterloo, Iowa, serving both the Dental Assisting and Dental Hygiene Program students, faculty, patients, and staff of the Dental Clinic. Prior to accepting this position in July of 2015, Dr. Boge practiced as a full-time dental hygiene clinician at Dental Associates of Manchester in Manchester, Iowa. In addition to working at the College, she maintains an active career completing research, product development, and evaluation of products for several major dental companies. Dr. Boge enjoys speaking, writing, and dental instrumentation design. In 2015, Emily designed and marketed the Boge513™ scaler, sold by American Eagle Instruments. This instrument won the 2017 Dental Excellence Award: Best New Instrument/Device. Emily also designed the Centennial Scaler in 2012, manufactured by Hu-Friedy Instruments. Emily graduated from Hawkeye Community College Dental Assisting (2000) and Dental Hygiene (2003) Programs prior to completing her Bachelor's in Psychology with a focus in Gerontology (2012) and a Master's in Public Administration (2015) at Upper Iowa University, and an EdD in Organizational Leadership/Higher Education. As a native rural Iowan, Emily is married to a fifth-generation family farmer and machinist, and they live on their crop farm with their two sons. Emily enjoys cooking and baking, target shooting, four-wheeling, reading, and shopping.
“The concept of a 'real-time' magazine platform decreases the time that passes between editing and 'print'. As a writer, I realize that as soon as I write something, it is often outdated. The digital audience can receive publication faster, and respond quicker with their feedback.
The idea of a publication being produced by a hygienist for hygienists is also very appealing. Having a hygienist vet articles and have the input of other dental industry stakeholders creates a well-rounded base for information generation and dissemination.”
-- Emily Boge, CDA, RDH, MPA