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Haley Cradic, RDH, BS

Haley Cradic, RDH, BS
Haley Cradic, RDH, BS, graduated from East Tennessee State University in 2018 with her Bachelors of Science degree in dental hygiene. She works part-time at a private practice in Rogersville, TN, and part-time at a non-profit clinic in Bristol, TN, that serves the uninsured people of Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. Haley is most passionate about being able to make a personal connection with each of her patients. When she’s not in the operatory, Haley enjoys reading, gardening, spending time outdoors, and spending time with her family.

Lessons for Hygiene Rookies: “Lifelong” Learning Starts with Other Staff Members

Dental hygiene schools equip future clinicians with the knowledge to navigate through the daily trials of patient treatment. We are taught anatomical structures, clinical...

The Top 5 Lies that Google Teaches Dental Patients

"If it's on the internet, it must be true." This phrase has jokingly been thrown around probably since the invention of the internet. This...

How to Determine if a Patient Prefers a Chatty or Quiet Hygienist

Most career paths have a stereotype associated with them, which is usually untrue. For example, doctors are known for having "chicken scratch" handwriting. Librarians...

5 Challenges that Hygiene School Grads Face in the Real World

When you're fresh out of hygiene school, it's easy to ride out the high of passing all the dental boards and rigorous classes. You...

The Topic of Topicals: Pain Management with Benzocaine Encourages Dental Patient Comfort

In our line of work, many dental hygiene patients present with varying levels of anxiety. While fears range from gagging to feeling pain during...

Understanding Why Dental Patients Can be Non-Compliant

Providing dental hygiene care can be one of the most rewarding jobs in health care. When patients find a good hygienist, they tend to...

Ending the Board Exam Game: Is There an Easier Way to Assess New Dental Hygiene Professionals?

"Thanks for playing our little game." I'll never forget hearing those words after taking my clinical board exam. My anxiety was already at an all-time...

Extractions: What to Say when Patients Schedule Based on the Moon

When I went for a consultation about my wisdom teeth extraction in high school, my oral surgeon asked me if I wanted to schedule...